Requested by: Hocking County Prosecuting Attorney
Whether municipal corporation charge for stormwater services is a fee or a tax.
Requested by: Portage County Prosecuting Attorney
Methods by which a board of county commissioners may acquire recycling carts and automated recycling trucks for a county solid waste management district.
Requested by: Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney
Board of trustees of a regional airport authority is not a county board for the purpose of receiving advice from a prosecuting attorney under R.C. 309.09(A).
Requested by: Putnam County Prosecuting Attorney
County charging board of health for the cost of services provided to board by county offices or county agencies.
Requested by: Ohio Optical Dispensers Board
Continuing education credits for first-time license renewal applicants; licensed spectacle dispensing optician placing order for soft contact lenses via computer.
Requested by: Ashtabula County Prosecuting Attorney
Court of common pleas’ expenditure of special projects fund moneys for additional court house security.
Requested by: Anderson Township Law Director
Township trustees need not approve tax levy for Anderson Park District before levy is submitted to board of elections.
Requested by: Ohio Respiratory Care Board
Licensure of in-state and out-of-state home health care equipment service providers, pre-licensure, inspection of providers’ facilities.
Requested by: Lawrence County Prosecuting Attorney
Judge’s use of a facsimile signature, rubber-stamp, Americans with Disabilities Act.
Requested by: Carroll County Prosecuting Attorney
Payment of overtime compensation to a county director of economic development, county auditor’s verification of hours worked.