Requested by: Knox County Prosecuting Attorney
Tax levied for a joint fire district shall apply uniformly within all the political subdivisions that comprise the joint fire district.
Requested by: Lawrence County Prosecuting Attorney
Responsibilities of a county auditor and county budget commission with respect to the issuance of an original or amended official certificate of estimated resources.
Requested by: Noble County Prosecuting Attorney
Taxes on delinquent lands containing coal reserves, removal of delinquent taxes from general tax list and duplicate.
Requested by: Harrison County Prosecuting Attorney
County expenditures of revenues derived from an oil and gas lease on county property.
Requested by: Clermont County Prosecuting Attorney
A board of township trustees establishing a public road to an abandoned township cemetery under R.C. 517.01 and R.C. 517.02.
Requested by: Allen County Prosecuting Attorney
Liens and encumbrances survive the forfeiture of real property to a political subdivision pursuant to R.C. 5723.01(A)(3).
Requested by: Clark County Prosecuting Attorney
Regional council of governments operating a countywide public safety communications system, and, as part of a 9-1-1 plan, a public safety answering point.
Requested by: Fulton County Prosecuting Attorney
Prohibition imposed by R.C. 5126.0221(B)(3)—a person may not be employed by county board of developmental disabilities when his immediate family member is commissioner of a county served by the board.
Requested by: Union County Prosecuting Attorney
Joint economic development district income tax, income tax exemptions.
Requested by: Scioto County Prosecuting Attorney
Employee of a county combining hours worked at two separate county agencies for the purpose of earning and accruing vacation leave under R.C. 325.19.