


Requested by: Trumbull County Prosecuting Attorney
Amount of penalties general health district may impose, failure to secure installation or operation permit for household sewage system, refund of excess penalties.


Requested by: Tuscarawas County Prosecuting Attorney
Joint solid waste management district spending revenues for a county’s added costs of road maintenance; solid waste facility, composting facility, and scrap tire facility defined.


Requested by: Lawrence County Prosecuting Attorney
City charter controls date for runoff special election of mayor; state law controls a requested recount of election results.


Requested by: Hardin County Prosecuting Attorney
Board of county commissioners closing courthouse in an emergency.


Requested by: Williams County Prosecuting Attorney
Person appointed by board of county commissioners as acting prosecuting attorney may elect to engage or not to engage in the private practice of law.


Requested by: Richland County Prosecuting Attorney
A county employee earns and accrues sick leave under the terms of R.C. 124.38 while using compensatory time.


Requested by: Warren County Prosecuting Attorney
Distribution of list of thieves and receivers of stolen property to scrap metal dealers and bulk merchandise container dealers.


Requested by: Guernsey County Prosecuting Attorney
Sealing or expunging record of conviction; collection of unpaid costs of prosecution.


Requested by: Trumbull County Prosecuting Attorney
Conversion of accrued unused vacation leave by county employees; county policy for vacation leave conversion.


Requested by: Auditor of State, Knox County Prosecuting Attorney, Guernsey County Prosecuting Attorney
Interaction of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Ohio law authorizing township trustees to offer health care insurance coverage to township officers and employees.

Displaying results 231-240 (of 1372)
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