Requested by: Miami County Prosecuting Attorney
County auditor is not authorized to reallocate inside millage and resulting tax revenues to rectify failure to include taxable property in a subdivision on tax list and duplicate.
Requested by: Fulton County Prosecuting Attorney
Appointing to a vacancy on the board of trustees of a regional water district a person who is a plaintiff in litigation against the district.
Requested by: Paulding County Prosecuting Attorney
Special project fund moneys of court of common pleas may be used to purchase incentives for drug court program participants.
Requested by: Trumbull County Prosecuting Attorney
Revenues of county sewer districts attributable to water and sanitary services, deposit of revenues in county treasury, expenditure of revenues.
Requested by: Washington County Prosecuting Attorney
County officeholders: in-term changes in compensation; prorated amount of compensation; amount allocated to sheriffs’ furtherance of justice fund.
Requested by: Trumbull County Prosecuting Attorney
Application of bail surcharge statute to defendant that participates in intervention in lieu of conviction program or pre-trial diversion program.
Requested by: Ashtabula County Prosecuting Attorney
Deed conveying easement shall bear stamp and indorsement of county auditor in order to be recorded.
Requested by: Summit County Prosecuting Attorney
Purchase of telephony software for countywide 9-1-1 system and its effect upon amount of moneys disbursed to county from wireless 9-1-1 government assistance fund.
Requested by: Trumbull County Prosecuting Attorney
Compatibility: member of board of elections and employee of county engineer.
Requested by: Ohio State Racing Commission
Agreements authorized by R.C. 3769.087(C) between video lottery sales agents and horsemen’s associations.