Criminal Justice Update
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Criminal Justice Update

Virtual-reality training is here

The technology is 'the next best thing to real-world experience'


Training overhaul gets green light

Changes reflect new vision for law enforcment training in Ohio


Law enforcement conference Sept. 30-Oct. 1 in Sandusky

The Law Enforcement Training Symposium will bring a new look and feel to the annual event


Euclid police officer killed in line of duty

Jacob Derbin's career was only getting started when a gunman brought it to a tragic end


Fallen Officers Memorial

Renovation adds new luster to hallowed site at OPOTA


Human Trafficking Summit Aug. 7 at Hyatt Regency Columbus

The annual AGO conference is in a new month and at a new location this year -- Aug.7 at the Hyatt Regency Columbus


Felonious Fantasies

Detective’s fake ads snare men looking for sex with moms and their underage daughters


Policing for today and the future

AG’s task force lays out vision for law enforcement training in Ohio


Coming this fall: A reimagined law enforcement gathering

Annual conference will have a new look this year


We hold their memories dear

Ohio Peace Officers Memorial Ceremony honors nine men who died in recent years

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