Criminal Justice Update
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Criminal Justice Update

Better Together

BCI’s holistic approach to investigating cold cases fosters collaborations across Ohio law enforcement


Notable successes

The five cases summarized here highlight some of the collaborative successes achieved by BCI’s Cold Case Unit and its law enforcement partners.


Best of the best

At the 2023 Law Enforcement Conference, Attorney General Yost led a celebration of the inspiring work being done by peace officers and others.


‘We’re not only arresting customers, we’re rescuing people’

Massive collaboration fuels statewide human trafficking sting, resulting in arrest of 160 suspects and recovery of 104 victims


Leadership changes mark new eras at BCI, OPOTA

Pijanowski takes helm at BCI, Quinlan at OPOTA


Looking ahead

Digital composites enhance effectiveness of BCI’s clay models used in unidentified-remains cases


Law enforcement taking advantage of BCI's NIBIN expansion

Ohio agencies now have easier access to ballistics database


Tenacity, technology trip up serial murderer

BCI Cold Case Unit works with local agencies to achieve justice


News & notes

Law enforcement news briefs


Lessons in hope & compassion

Educational program at Sandusky County Jail provides a first step to a second chance

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