Criminal Justice Update
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Criminal Justice Update

From the Attorney General

There’s no standing still in law enforcement, especially if you’re going to outpace criminals and do right by those you’ve vowed to protect. Likewise, the Attorney General’s Office isn’t standing still in its efforts to identify and implement creative ways to assist the criminal justice community.


Two Days in May marks 20th year

For the past 20 years, Ohio victim advocates have gathered for two days each May to share their skills, passions, and stories of hope and resiliency.

The Ohio Attorney General’s Two Days in May Conference on Victim Assistance (TDIM) has become one of the largest and most comprehensive victim advocacy conferences in the nation.


Training focuses on the BASICS

Domestic violence shelter manager Lorie Delaney knows how important it is for victim advocates to be properly trained. A domestic violence survivor, she now devotes her life to helping women recover at the Project Woman shelter in Springfield.

Delaney attended the ADVANCE Academy’s Basic Advocacy Skills in Crime Victim Services (BASICS) training presented by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office in September. Since then, she has recommended to her executive director that all of her colleagues participate in the five-day program.


Timeline chronicles case of elusive fugitive Bobby Thompson

Bobby Thompson loved the game. Conning unsuspecting donors who thought their $5, $10, and $20 donations were benefiting American heroes. Rubbing shoulders with famous people. Watching money roll in from 41 states where his U.S. Navy Veterans Association “charity” was registered.


TDIM puts focus on victim advocacy

More than 1,000 people attended the Ohio Attorney General’s recent Two Days in May Conference on Victim Assistance. The 21st annual event drew victims, advocates, social service workers, criminal justice professionals, and others for dozens of workshops, several speakers, and a foster care symposium.


Statistically Speaking

Sheriffs are responsible for issuing, renewing, denying, suspending, and revoking Ohioans’ concealed carry licenses. They report these statistics quarterly to the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission, part of the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. The office recently issued the 2010 annual report related to the state’s concealed handgun law. Here are some highlights:

Ohio sheriffs issued 60,881 regular concealed carry permits in 2010, including 47,337 new licenses and 13,544 renewal licenses.


Sound advice vital for youth

By Kathleen Nichols

With a new school year under way, criminal justice professionals are sure to receive calls from parents and school officials seeking assistance with technology misuse incidents such as cyberbullying and sexting. In responding, it is important to offer substantive advice and assistance, even though many such cases never escalate to a criminal level.


RX Update

Representatives of eight states took part in the Ohio Attorney General’s Interstate Prescription Drug Abuse Summit this past fall to share strategies for fighting the epidemic and foster collaboration.


Resources available for DNA collection

Ohio law now requires the collection of a DNA specimen from all adult felony arrestees. Here are some resources the Attorney General’s Office provides to help law enforcement agencies comply with the new law, which took full effect July 1:


Resources are a click away

Dozens of law enforcement resources are available on the Ohio Attorney General’s website. Here is a recap of the most popular available at

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