Consumer Advocate

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Tailor the Topics and Timing of Our Communications

You now can tailor the topics and timing of email communications from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.


AG Sues Cleveland Area Talent Agency Owner

You believe your child is destined for the spotlight. So you find a talent search company and spend a lot of money in hopes your child will be “discovered.” This was the goal of many parents and children who signed with The Event in Orlando Inc., a talent agency that operated in the Cleveland area. The business sold talent contest packages to consumers and then failed to deliver the services as advertised.


Protect Yourself from Social Media Fraud

With the explosion of social media, people have made online connections with many individuals, organizations, and events. Social media can be beneficial, and many legitimate people, businesses, and agencies create accounts to keep others informed of their news and promotions. However, scam artists also are taking advantage of social media sites, using fake profiles and accounts to trick consumers into losing money or releasing personal information.


Prospective Renters, Beware of Rental Scams

Finding a new apartment or home to rent can be challenging. As you scan through rental ads considering the neighborhood, cost, and size, what you may not consider is that the listing could be a fake. Rental listing scams target consumers who are looking for a good deal on a great place and trick people into sending money.
