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Top Ten Complaints of 2011


In 2011, the Ohio Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section filed dozens of lawsuits and received more than 31,000 complaints, among other highlights.

Complaints involve everything from used car sales to debt collection.

The top ten complaint categories of 2011 are:

  1. Motorized Vehicles
  2. Collections, Credit Reporting, or Financial Services
  3. Internet or Phone
  4. Health and Beauty
  5. Household Goods or Property Improvement
  6. Professional Services
  7. Shopping, Food, or Beverages
  8. Sweepstakes or Prizes
  9. Utilities
  10. Mortgage

Allcare Dental Closing Generates 1,000 Complaints

After dental chain Allcare Dental unexpectedly closed its doors in late 2010, consumer complaints poured into the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

By December 2011, more than 1,000 consumers had filed complaints against Allcare Dental, pushing “Health and Beauty” to the fourth highest complaint category.

Most Allcare Dental complaints alleged that consumers paid for dental products they did not receive and they did not receive refunds. Allcare patients were typically low-income and often elderly. The Attorney General and the Ohio State Dental Board worked with Allcare to successfully transfer patient records to new dentists, but were not successful in persuading Allcare to refund money for undelivered products.

As a result, the Attorney General filed a lawsuit on June 17, 2011, charging Allcare with failure to deliver. The case is pending.

Consumers Get Help Through Complaint Process

The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Section offers an informal dispute resolution process to help resolve complaints between consumers and businesses.

In 2011, the dispute resolution staff helped adjust or recover millions of dollars for consumers, small businesses, and nonprofits.

If you believe you have been treated unfairly in a consumer transaction, file a complaint at or call 800-282-0515.

High School Video Contest Yields 275 Submissions

Hundreds of Ohio high school students entered the 2011 Take Action High School Video Contest, which ended Dec. 15.

The contest encouraged students to promote Internet safety by producing a 60-second video on one of five consumer-related topics.

Winners will be announced during National Consumer Protection Week in early March.

Learn more about the Consumer Protection Section’s 2011 activity by reading the 2011 Consumer Protection Section Annual Report at