Requested by: Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney
Establishment of public roads, right of way of public roads and minimum right-of-way
Requested by: Hocking County Prosecuting Attorney
County's use of its share of state motor vehicle license tax and fuel excise tax revenues
Requested by: Board of Building Standards
Authority of local health and health departments to perform inspections pertaining to fuel gas piping installations
Requested by: Sandusky County Prosecuting Attorney
Transfer of an individual from an arresting county to the county that issued an arrest warrant, waiver of right
Requested by: Lucas County Prosecuting Attorney
Duty of a board of education to provide notification when a student is absent from school
Requested by: Meigs County Prosecuting Attorney
Authority of the village council to authorize a reduction in the collection of a voted mill levy
Requested by: Brown County Prosecuting Attorney
County engineer's duty to perform surveys, compensation
Requested by: Fairfield County Prosecuting Attorney
Maintenance of bridges and culverts
Requested by: Lorain County Prosecuting Attorney
Overtime pay for township employees
Requested by: Guernsey County Prosecuting Attorney
Reimbursement- health district board members