Individuals and Families
Business > Telephone Solicitors

Telephone Solicitors

Updated 4/10/2024

Companies Currently Registered as Telephone Solicitors Under Telephone Solicitation Sales Act (TSSA)

The Attorney General has certified that the below businesses have submitted all requirements of R.C. 4719.01 et seq. By granting registration, the Attorney General is not explicitly or implicitly endorsing the products or services offered by the registered businesses.
Company Expiration Date State Line of Business
Squeeze Media Group, LLC 09/13/24 Utah Loan Lead Generation
Club Exploria, LLC 10/16/24 Florida Travel Club Services
Resort Sales Missouri, Inc. 12/06/24 South Carolina Vacation Package Services
Beyond Finance, LLC 12/07/24 Texas Debt Management and Marketing
Freedom Gold USA 01/02/25 California Precious Metals
SG Direct, Inc. 01/03/25 Georgia Vehicle Service Contracts
Suarez Industries, Inc 01/09/25 Ohio Tribute Proofs and Copp
Grand Canyon University 01/19/25 Arizona Secondary Education
TPUSA, Inc. (Teleperformance) 01/30/25 Utah Business Process Outsourcing
Holiday Inn Club Vacations, Inc. 02/08/25 Florida Vaction Packages
Above Lending, Inc.  04/09/25 Texas Installment Loan Brokerage
Cinch Home Services 04/10/25 Florida Home Warranty Services
Resort Travel & Xchange, Inc. 05/03/25 North Carolina Vacation Package & Travel Services
Consumer Sales Solutions, LLC 05/04/25 Florida Natural Gas and Electricity