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Attorney General DeWine Urges Caution when Responding to Charitable Requests Following School Shootings in Connecticut

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) - Attorney General Mike DeWine today reminded Ohioans to be careful when donating funds to charities in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School murders.

"The tragedy in Connecticut that took so many lives and broke the hearts of the victims' families has also spread sorrow throughout our nation," said Attorney General DeWine. "We want to reach out and help however we can. But please remember that while legitimate funds and charities make good use of your donations, there are scammers who may use this horrific event to steal money for themselves."


Attorney General DeWine Joins Governor John Kasich as Synthetic Drug, Arson Bills Become Law

Attorney General DeWine's office worked to add a synthetic drug provision to House Bill 334 that toughens previous laws banning synthetic drugs known as bath salts or herbal incense.  The new law closes a loophole used by clandestine chemists that gave them the ability to slightly alter the illegal synthetic drug's components into a new, legal substance.


Attorney General, Department of Education Emphasize Training, Partnerships for Improving Ohio School Safety

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today announced that his office would expand safety training for educators and expand his School Safety Task Force to make recommendations on school safety policy. DeWine made his announcement at a press briefing with Acting Superintendent of Public Instruction Michael Sawyers, which highlighted the efforts of the Attorney General and the Ohio Department of Education to enhance school safety after the shootings at a school in Chardon earlier this year.


Attorney General DeWine, Prosecutor Deters Announce Guilty Pleas for Bid Rigging of Traffic Devices

(CINCINNATI) - Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph T. Deters announced today guilty pleas involving the rigging of bids submitted to the Ohio Department of Transportation for traffic control devices. Quattro Inc. pleaded guilty to two felonies; company sales manager Timothy O'Brien pleaded guilty to three misdemeanors. The pleas are the result of a joint investigation conducted by DeWine's Office, Ohio Inspector General Randall Meyer's Office and the Ohio State Highway Patrol.

This is the first case in almost three decades involving criminal antitrust charges under the state's antitrust statute, the Valentine Act.


Attorney General DeWine Reminds Educators and Law Enforcement About School Safety Trainings

Following the school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut on Friday, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today reminded educators, administrators and law enforcement of the free school safety and law enforcement training opportunities available through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA), which is part of the Attorney General’s Office. 


Attorney General DeWine's School Safety Task Force Releases Guidelines for School Safety and Building Plans

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today released a copy of the guidelines that his School Safety Task Force created to help Ohio schools comply with the requirements to submit building plans and a school safety plan to his office. 



Moore last registered his address in June as being 11444 Salem Hollow Road in Straitsville.

Authorities in Hocking County filed a warrant for his arrest in October after he failed to update his address as required by law. Sexual predators must confirm their address every 90 days for life.


Statement from Ohio Attorney General DeWine on Connecticut School Shooting and Ohio School Safety Plan Progress

In response to the tragic events today in Connecticut, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine issued the following statement on the progress of Ohio schools in filing school safety plans and floor plans of school buildings  pursuant to requirements in Ohio law:


Attorney General DeWine Releases 2012 Economic Development Compliance Report

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today released his 2012 Report to the General Assembly on Award Recipient Compliance with State Awards for Economic Development. The report, which is required to be submitted by the Attorney General to the General Assembly pursuant to statute, analyzes compliance with the terms of economic development awards for recipients which had performance periods ending in calendar year 2011.


DeWine, 32 Attorneys General Reach a $43 Million Settlement with Pfizer

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) -- Attorney General Mike DeWine announced today that he and 32 other Attorneys General reached a $42.9 million Consent Judgment with Pfizer Inc. to resolve allegations that Pfizer Inc. unlawfully promoted its drugs, Zyvox® and Lyrica®. Under the settlement, Ohio will receive $1.5 million.
"Consumers need correct information about medicines they are being prescribed," said Attorney General DeWine. "Through this agreement, we are assuring that will be the case when it comes to these products. It's also a reminder to all drug makers that the accurate promotion of their products is critically important."

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