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Individuals and Families > Services for Victims > Trainings for Victim Service Providers > Finding Words Ohio

Finding Words Ohio: A ChildFirst Course on Interviewing and Preparing Children for Court

Finding Words Ohio is a 5-day course designed for MDTs/investigative teams comprised of forensic interviewers, law enforcement officers, social workers, prosecutors, and child protection attorneys. This training that teaches the Zero Abuse Project/ChildFirst protocol includes lecture and discussion, review of videotaped interviews, skill-building exercises and an interview practicum. It includes homework assignments and tests.

The application process has closed for our fall course, set for Oct. 21-25 in at the Rhodes State Office Tower in Downtown Columbus. Classes run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, with an early release on Friday. 

For questions, please contact Holly Zachariah Andrews, Deputy Director of Support and Outreach in the Crime Victim Services Section of the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, at or at 614-216-4909.