The Direct Practice Committee provides resources to front-line practitioners and identifying the services to reduce and/or eliminate elder abuse.
The Direct Practice Committee focuses providing resources to front-line practitioners and the services and responses they provide, including: (1) caregivers; (2) first responders and investigators such as adult protective services workers, emergency medical technicians , law enforcement and state licensing and oversight agencies; (3) health care and mental health providers and case managers (4) aging services network personnel, senior centers, meals on wheels, social service providers: (5) legal surrogates which include, guardians, powers of attorney and others; (6) victim advocates who focus on trauma services, safety planning, shelter and advocacy such as domestic violence and/or sexual assault; (7) legal system responders such as prosecutors, elder law and public interest attorneys and court personnel; (8) ombudsmen who advocate for persons in long-term care residential facilities by resolving complaints about and promoting resident health, safety, well-being and rights; (9) financial services industry entities, such as banks and brokers; and (10) members of the faith community.
Unreported of elder abuse remains a significant public health problem. For every one case that comes to light, many cases of elder abuse remain hidden. Individuals who do not specialize and are not trained in elder abuse issues (e.g., police officers, bank tellers, letter carriers, or clergy) may be the only ones in a position to notice that abuse may be occurring. Each in their roles are potential allies and their involvement is critical to promoting a coordinated community response to elder abuse.
Committee meetings are held quarterly by conference calls.