Opinions Requested
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Pending Opinion Requests

9/5/2024 Fairfield County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR012
Several questions related to whether authority exists to transform multiple existing drainage maintenance districts into a single storm water drainage fund for the county.

8/14/24 Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR011
Whether, "[permitting county] Elected Officials to transition to new health care plans while maintaining the same constribution distribution [during their existing term of office], constitutes a mid-term compensation increase under Ohio Const., Art. II § 20?"

6/25/24 Cuyahoga County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR010
Under R.C. 2930.07(C) (Marsy's Law), do legislative bodies and their members, along with investigative and law enforcement agencies, meet the definition of public offices charged with knowing identifying information of a victim; is sharing a victim's identifying information with another public office required or discretionary; what duty does a public office or official that receives a victim's unredacted identifying information have to prevent public disclosure?

6/17/24 Paulding County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR009
Ohio Revised Code Section 307.515 directs money collected by the municipal court to be paid to the law library resource board.  Given the population, what amount of money collected by the municipal court is to be paid to the law library resource board?  Does Ohio Revised Code Section 307.515 cap or (limit) the annual amount the municipal court pays to the law library resource board?

5/28/24 Morrow County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR008
Whether a township fiscal officer could service as a member of the township board of zoning appeals within the same township.

5/6/24 Adams County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR007
Several questions regarding whether: “squatting” is a criminal offense, law enforcement may remove a squatter, a court order is required, and law enforcement incurs liability for removing a squatter.

4/24/24 Cuyahoga County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR006
May the County use funds derived from the HHS Levy for capital expenditures for the acquisition, construction, or renovation of permanent improvements that are inextricably intertwined with and made for the purpose of providing such services, or are the funds to be used solely for non-capital items in the nature of current operating expenses?

4/23/2024 Summit County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR003
Several questions regarding a county's and a joint office of economic development's authority under R.C. 307.07 and/or R.C. 307.85(A) to be a federal trade zone grantee under 15 C.F.R. 400.12.

3/19/2024 Brown County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR005
Whether an employee of the County Engineer's Office may also serve as a fiscal officer for a township in the county.

3/19/2024 Lawrence County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR004
Whether the Lawrence County Land Reutilization Corporation would be considered a financial institution from which the township may borrow money for township purposes pursuant to O.R.C. 505.86(F).

2/7/2024 Noble County Prosecuting Attorney - 2024OPR001
Several questions regarding the applicability of R.C. 2930.11(A) as recently amended by House Bill 33.

10/16/2023 Lake County Prosecuting Attorney - 2023OPR012
Whether Marsy's Law allows a victim to request that documents from any type of case be redacted; whether the clerk of courts is required to automatically redact protection orders to avoid unintentional release of protected information; and whether the new Marsy's Law provisions impact the holding in State ex rel. Summers v. Fox, 163 Ohio St.3d 217, 2020-Ohio-5585, 169 N.E.3d 625.

10/9/2023 Madison County Prosecuting Attorney - 2023OPR011
Whether the county engineer has authority to permit broadband installations in the public rights-of-way.

8/23/2022 Delaware County Prosecuting Attorney - 2022OPR012
Whether state and local governments can fund abortions and abortion related care using state or local funds and how Home Rule impacts this ability or inability.

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